• Best Practices for Artists in the Visual Arts, Media and Crafts
• Maritimes Provinces Public Galleries and Artists
• Maritime Provinces Commercial Galleries and Artists
• Organization of juried group exhibitions
• Charitable Donations of Artworks
• Review of International Best Practice Literature in the Visual Arts and Craft Sector
• Maritime Provinces Glossary of Terms
• Partners
The Maritimes Canada Best Practices project identifies Industry Standards for the Visual Arts, Media and Crafts Sector. These guidelines serve as a model for practical and ethical practices within these sectors. As a result, this project facilitates fair and equitable dealings between creators and presenters across the region.
It is the ultimate aim of this project to develop a uniformity of standards and a common understanding of industry standards in the Maritime Provinces that are in agreement with Best Practices projects currently either established or in development across Canada. In turn, this will facilitate the ability of Maritime-Canadian artists to entertain business both within the Maritimes and across the country.